
Fox Hustle — a social network of the present for the great future of each of us

Based on the experience of the past



Fox Hustle - publisher and incubator available to everyone! With us you can hire a team of professionals, and launch your own project, get donations from users and share your profits!


Our team is building a present where everyone earns from their hobbies. A future in which there is no hypocrisy, and respect is elevated to the main value of a person. A past that has not passed without a trace, but the experience gained is applicable. Become a part of Fox Hustle — the kingdom of enthusiasts, where awareness and trust rule, and technology helps them!



Fox Hustle - publisher and incubator available to everyone! With us you can hire a team of professionals, and launch your own project, get donations from users and share your profits!


A symbiosis of technology and reputation will give teams without experience tools to create revolutionary products. We strongly believe in enthusiasm and the power of small teams, and we will give opportunity to reveal potential to those who are truly ready to prove themselves and make a worthy product. Your profile is your portfolio. Write code, pictures, music? Great, you no longer need to send links to different services, share it in your profile!


The social network is part of the FH ecosystem

1st half
  • Launch of Collective Money
  • Alpha test Metaverse
2nd half
  • Launch of a bot ecosystem
  • Metaverse release
1st half
  • Launch of MVP social network Fox Hustle
  • Start of development of the metaverse ecosystem
  • Launch AI assistant
2nd half
  • Closed alpha test of the Fox Hustle social network
  • Launch of Fox Hustle publishing house
1st half
  • Public beta test of the Fox Hustle social network
  • Release of the updated metaverse ecosystem
  • Launch of the Fox Hustle economy

Also includes


Play and earn money in game, based on Minecraft. After the successful release of the metaverse, we will begin developing the metaverse ecosystem. Metaverse ecosystem will allow you to manage Fox Hustle social network straight from the metaverse, while chatting with friends. Approach the order board and take on the task like a true witcher! Conduct a work call without leaving the Fox Hustle ecosystem.


An ecosystem of bots connecting Fox Hustle social network, Collective Money, metaverse and other social networks. networks into a single database. This approach allows you to effectively manage tasks where it is convenient. Receive notifications where it's convenient for you, not by email. Receive rewards for your contributions on all social networks. Manage your tasks and resources from anywhere!


We are developing not just an assistant, but a «real» person. With your own interests, tastes, habits. AI will be your friend, knowing everything that interests you about Fox Hustle and your projects. It will help you maintain a chat conversation, create a business plan and find a common language with your team!

Collective Money

Aggregator of knowledge about projects. To earn money. For leisure. For development. Social a network aimed at bringing together the best of the Web3 world. You will no longer need to search for information bit by bit in different corners of the Internet. You can earn money both from the projects we write about and from your personal contribution to the common cause. In partnership with Fox Hustle, you can create a project and tell the whole world about it. Smart investments, trading allocations in projects, news, training and much more!
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Your data is protected. Blockchain is wonderful because it remembers everything and makes it possible to own information. Now no one will be able to replace documents, and storing keys will be truly safe.
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Team Fox Hustle

  • 10+ years of Community Lead in Gamedev and IT
  • Community Lead 1C gaming
  • Miller City producer
  • Mercuryo
  • Video director at largest CIS Warhammer Community Video channel
  • Freelancer at Games Workshop
  • 7 years at Gaming QA
  • Bachelor Degree in Electric power engineering and Electronics and Nanoelectronics
  • Over 6 years of experience in crypto industry
  • Participated in various crypto communities as Ambassador and Writer
  • Bachelor Degree in Cryonics and Thermal Engineering
  • Over 3 years in freelance video industry
  • 2 years in Fox Hustle
  • 2 years Verse creation in different gaming projects
  • 5 years as Full Stack at independent projects
  • 3 years in Fox Hustle
  • Bachelor Degree in Software Engineer, Saimaan ammattiopisto Sampo
  • Professional editor with 5 years of experience
  • 4+ years video editor, sound designer, music producer
  • 2 years in Fox Hustle
  • Translator
  • Education: ITPI Art Academy
  • 7+ years of freelancing
  • 2 years in Fox Hustle
  • 10+ years of implementation and support full cycle projects in oil and gas, mining, transportation companies and banking.

40+ profes

Artists, 3D artists, animators, video editors, designers, community managers, moderators, scriptwriters, programmers, musicians, modders, localizers, writers, marketing specialists, voice acters and more…